State-Certified Prescribed-Fire Burn Boss (CARX)


This course provides information about and develops the skills required for planning and managing prescribed fire on State or private lands. The curriculum includes the minimum standards of National Wildland Fire Training (NWCG) RX301 Prescribed Fire Implementation, RX341 Prescribed Fire Plan Preparation, and RX410 Smoke Management Techniques course qualifications. This course contains instructor-led training, including simulation exercises and a task book. Students are required to complete the prerequisites (coursework, firing, and leadership requirements) prior to taking the instructor-led training and completing the task book. As detailed in the course plan, this course was developed and formatted into the SFT curriculum development model. Stakeholders are encouraged to study this information carefully and seek clarification from SFT if questions arise. Certified persons may act as contractors within land designated as State Responsibility Area (SRA) by the Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.




VARIOUS. Please see course listings for course dates and locations.

Designed For: Persons seeking certification as prescribed-fire burn bosses in accordance with SB 1260 (Jackson, Chapter 624, Statutes of 2018).


Pre-selection Assessment

Coursework Requirements

  • IS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
  • S-190 Introduction to Wildland Fire Behavior
  • S-130 Firefighter Training
  • S-290 Intermediate Wildland Fire Behavior (classroom only, online courses not accepted)

Firing Requirements

Qualified NWCG/CICCS Firing Boss (FIRB) or both equivalent firing experience and one of the following courses:

  • S-219 Firing Operations
  • CA-219 Wildland Firefighting – Firing Operations
  • C-234 Ignition Operations
  • S-234 Ignition Operations

Leadership Requirements

  • S-131 Advanced Firefighter or L-280 Followership to Leadership or
  • Qualified NWCG/CICCS Firefighter Type 1 (FFT1) or Equivalent leadership experience


To participate in this course, students need:

  • Laptop computer with internet capability
  • Laptop cord/power supply
  • Hard hat
  • Boots
  • Incident Response Pocket Guide (IRPG) NFES 001077  Click Here To Order  or  Click Here To Download
  • Login information for PFIRS (granted by instructor in class)
  • Fireline Handbook Appendix B, PMS 410-2, NWCG Click Here To Order Hard Copy or   Click Here To Download
  • ICS 201 Form Click Here To Download
  • Incident within an Incident (IWI) Form or agency equivalent Click Here To Download
  • 8-Line/Medical Incident Report (MIR) Form or agency equivalent
  • “California Codes Related to Rx Fire” document
  • Case study on Klamath River watershed ecology and fire  Click Here To Download
  • Fireline Handbook Appendix B Click Here To Order A Hard Copy or Click Here To Download
  • Wildland Fire Incident Management Field Guide (PDF available online)  
  • California Code of Regulations, Title 8, § 3395  Click Here
  • California Code of Regulations, Title 17
  • Examples of National Incident Management System IAP
  • “Working with CAL Fire Inmate Fire Crews”
  • “Permitting and Approval Flow Chart”
  • “Options for Prescribed Fire on Private Lands Flow Chart”
  • Behave Plus Fire Modeling Software  Click Here To Download


Participants enrolled in this courses will receive a Pre-study packet or online pre-study that must be completed prior to attending and available to the instructor at the beginning of the class.

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About The Healthy Forest Alliance

Healthy Forest Alliance Inc. is a Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Public Benefit (5446339)