Display Processor
The Display Processor (DPRO) is responsible for the display of incident status information obtained from Field Observers (FOBS), aerial and ortho photographs, and infrared data. The DPRO reports to the Situation Unit Leader (SITL) and works in the Planning functional area. 

DPRO Qualification Requirements

Required Training
ICS-100, Introduction to ICS
IS-700, NIMS: An Introduction

Required Experience
Completion and Certification of NWCG Display Processor (DPRO) Position Task Book, PMS 311-31

Physical Fitness Level: None Required
Position does not require a physical fitness level.

These Positions Maintain Currency For DPRO
Situation Unit Leader (SITL)

DPRO Maintains Currency For These Positions

Other Training Which Supports Development Of Knowledge And Skills
S-110, Basic Wildland Fire Orientation
S-245, Display Processor

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About The Healthy Forest Alliance

Healthy Forest Alliance Inc. is a Nonprofit Corporation - CA - Public Benefit (5446339)